Learning to Surround Yourself with Robert
"Just knowing that one can reach out to a psychosocial worker is reassuring: Having an ear at the end of the line is essential."
Robert, caregiver to his spouse: Fall 2023
Through his testimony, Robert shares with us the resources—both internal and external—that he was able to mobilize to weather the storm of the diagnosis and the daily challenges. One thing is certain according to him: taking care of oneself is essential, and asking for help is part of that.
Robert, 76 years old, is the caregiver to his wife who has been living with Alzheimer's disease for five years now. Initially faced with successive episodes of depression and severe sleep disorders, his wife received the Alzheimer's diagnosis in 2018, at the Douglas Institute.
"2019, the panic... The situation had become very difficult, even dangerous, several scrapes with the car, numerous self-inflicted injuries, disorientation, etc. In the face of these challenges, it was the Verdun CLSC that put me in contact with the Southwest Caretakers Group (GASO).
GASO allowed me to quickly communicate with a psychosocial worker, who listened to me and greatly helped me to take stock. Then the GASO workshops allowed me to acquire tools to better understand and manage the situation. Sharing with other caregivers also helped me a lot and raised my awareness of caregiving.
The search for balance: living with a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s is not easy. Alzheimer's is currently an incurable disease that progresses more or less rapidly. One must both accept the situation, try not to want to control everything, and allow space for the cared-for person. During difficult times, one must put our distress into perspective, try to relax through reading, music, or other activities that engage our mind, not feel guilty, not isolate ourselves, and not fall into a depressive state... Easy to say, but much more difficult to put into practice.
Fortunately, GASO is there. Indeed, just thinking that one can reach out to a psychosocial worker is reassuring. Having an "ear" at the end of the line is essential and thinking of other caregivers, met in workshops or monthly meetings of the organization, allows me to put my situation into perspective.
Through all of this, the key remains the love for the other which allows us to surpass ourselves and find unsuspected resources within us. However, one must also take care of oneself, to not wither away, and above all, not hesitate to call upon available resources."