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The causes and consequences of anger

Valérie Hill
Valérie Hill

Mar 5, 2024


Where does anger come from?
Anger can have multiple sources. Sometimes, it is triggered by a particular situation. Other times, there are no clear triggers. Anger may be used due to difficulty expressing other emotions that are present at the same time, such as sadness, shame, humiliation, fear, or guilt. Four types of situations may cause anger, namely: frustration, irritations, abuses, and injustice. A situation may touch on one or more of these categories. Frustration can occur when we encounter obstacles while trying to accomplish something important, when someone does not act as we wish, or when events do not go as planned. Irritations can come from bothersome situations, for example, when someone calls us multiple times a day while we are trying to work. Anger may also occur if we are victims of abuse. Abuse can be verbal (for example, someone constantly belittles you), physical (someone hits you), or sexual (you are forced to do something you do not want); it is normal to feel anger in a situation where we are victims of abuse. Finally, experiencing injustice, such as being treated unfairly by a family member or employer, can also be a source of anger.

The consequences of anger:
Although anger is a normal and universal emotion, it can cause problems when not sufficiently controlled. First, it can lead to conflicts with close people (family, friends) and with colleagues at work. Some people who have difficulty managing their anger even have run-ins with the law. Furthermore, when poorly expressed, anger can lead to feelings of guilt. We may also experience disappointment with ourselves because of the behaviours we have adopted. An anger problem may come with low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and increased alcohol consumption. Besides psychological consequences, extreme or too frequent anger can also lead to physiological consequences such as hypertension and heart disease.
