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Protective factors: key resources for resilience

Valérie Hill
Valérie Hill

Aug 15, 2022


Resilience is defined as an individual's ability to bounce back and recover from a difficult life event. To face adversity, individuals use internal and external resources available to them. These resources are called 'protective factors.'

Protective factors are attributes - like a person's strengths, skills, or resources - that increase individuals' adaptability. Like 'tutors of resilience,' protective factors help to cultivate our resilience. By engaging in certain activities, we can influence the protective factors to acquire resilience, to grow it and foster it so we can better overcome challenges as the ups and downs of life unfold.

We share with you a list of activities you can choose to practice to act on your protective factors and cultivate your resilience:

Call family members, friends, or even neighbours and ask them to occasionally call back. Spend time exercising for better physical and mental health. Practice relaxation, yoga, or meditation. Eat a balanced diet.

  • Ensure a good night's sleep to be in shape the next day.

  • Talk to a healthcare professional if needed for physical health and a social worker or counselor for mental health.

  • Practice your sense of humour.

  • Be optimistic about the future.

  • Have a strong spirituality.

  • Engage in or perform an activity that allows you to clear your mind (writing, doing puzzles, gardening, cooking, walking, knitting, taking a bath, etc.).

  • Inform yourself in small doses about what is happening to manage stress.