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Releasing your emotions: how to achieve it?

Jun 29, 2022
To help you release your emotions, we offer some suggestions that you can try to feel lighter. Since each person is different, a strategy may work better for someone else than for you. We advise you to try a few and observe their effects on you. This way, you learn to recognize what actions are good for you and get to know yourself better.
Accepting Your Emotions Without Judgment
Instead of fighting against the emotion (for example: “I feel sad, I must be positive”), try to welcome your emotion. Embracing and accepting unpleasant emotions can already help avoid the heaviness that comes with resistance. If we eventually want an emotion to disappear, it must first be expressed. Therefore, despite the possible unpleasant sensations of certain emotions, it is important to accept their manifestations.
Expressing Your Emotions Verbally
Do not underestimate the power of words; it is said that speaking liberates! Talk with a friend, a partner, a brother, a sister, a niece, a nephew, an aunt, an uncle, with a psychosocial worker, or with others in a support group. Talking also helps understand what is happening in our mind and gain perspective.
Writing Down Your Thoughts
Taking a moment to write your thoughts in a notebook or journal can be very beneficial for some people. It allows you to take a break during your day and take stock. Answer the question "How am I doing?" or "What am I feeling?" as if you were checking in with a friend. You may notice that your thoughts organize as you write, allowing you to see more clearly or become aware of certain emotions. The exercise may seem difficult at first, but with practice, writing will become more fluid. Incorporating it into a specific moment in your routine (while having breakfast, drinking tea before bed, etc.) can ease its integration.