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The six major emotions explained

Mélanie Montpetit
Mélanie Montpetit

Jun 29, 2022


To help you more accurately identify your current emotion, we suggest exploring emotions based on the six universal emotions.

There are 6 universal emotions, meaning they are felt by every human on Earth, regardless of their culture. They are joy, anger, fear, disgust, sadness, and surprise. Each of these emotions has a corresponding facial expression [1]. This means that no matter where we are in the world, everyone will understand that I am experiencing sadness if I cry or joy if I smile. Therefore, we all tend to name one of these 6 emotions to describe our current state. However, the emotion present for us falls into one of the 6 categories, but it may be even more precise.

Below is a list of sub-emotions. As you read the next section on the emotional process, we invite you to try to identify which emotion is currently present for you. Try to respond with as much precision as possible.

This is not an easy exercise considering the little emotional education we have received culturally. Nevertheless, emotional intelligence can still be nurtured and honed, notably with exercises like this one.
