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The reversal of parent-child roles: a specific case of role upheaval

Stéphanie Ouellet
Stéphanie Ouellet

Jul 3, 2023


The reversal of roles can be felt in any type of relationship one has with the person being helped: whether it is a friend, a parent, a spouse, an uncle, or a close one. However, it is more noticeable in situations where a child cares for an elderly or sick parent. One of the reasons why the inversion of roles is more felt in this context is due to the fact that the basic parent-child relationship is entirely reversed in the caregiving relationship: it is the child who takes on a parental role.

Here is an example illustrating the reversal of roles in a parent-child relationship:

Jeanne takes care of her mother Sophia, who suffers from dementia. Her mother has been living with her for 3 years now. Jeanne feels her mother's needs are constantly increasing and notices she has to dedicate more of her time to them. She realizes she is the one preparing meals and bathing her mother, whereas when she was young, it was the opposite. She feels their roles have been reversed. She often has to argue with her mother to take her medication or to dress, whereas in the past, it was the other way around. Now, she must accompany her to medical appointments, and when she has her own appointments, she must arrange respite care so her mother is looked after, yet another sign of the role reversal. Jeanne feels her primary role as a child has completely changed with her mother, and she is grieving the loss of her former independence, which helped her grow and become the person she is today.