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The benefits and risks of mindfulness

Valérie Hill
Valérie Hill

Apr 2, 2024


The Benefits 

The benefits of practicing mindfulness are numerous and impact several areas of life. Indeed, mindfulness can not only help individuals become more aware of the present moment and connect with their inner world, it can also have positive effects on emotions, cognition, and physical and psychological health. It can lead individuals to experience pleasant emotions and feelings, such as joy, freedom, peace, calm, and serenity. 

It can also help to improve concentration, to feel a greater sense of control, and to enhance patience, which is beneficial in caregiving situations.

Regarding physical and mental health, mindfulness can reduce the sensation of pain, improve sleep quality, decrease anxiety, help manage stress, and contribute to an overall sense of well-being. Finally, practicing mindfulness can also have benefits on social and interpersonal relationships by fostering greater compassion, empathy, and kindness.

The Risks 

While mindfulness has significant benefits, it also involves certain risks and disadvantages. For example, meditation requires a time investment, and some people might feel unpleasant emotions because they lack time to practice the activity. Moreover, this practice might lead to frustration or unpleasant emotions, especially for beginners, as it is a demanding task. Completing the exercise can be challenging, and positive results are not necessarily felt in the short term. Additionally, mindfulness is not practiced and understood by everyone; therefore, one may feel judged by those who do not engage in it. Also, if you practice mindfulness, it's possible that your values and attitudes towards the world may change, which could cause you stress and a loss of bearings.

Finally, physical discomforts, such as pain in the legs or back, have been reported during meditation practice. More serious but less frequent consequences have also been documented following the practice of meditation, such as suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, or psychosis. If such consequences arise, it is important to consult a healthcare professional as soon as possible.