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Isabelle and Chantale Ratthé, caregivers for their parents and members of GASO

Valérie Hill
Valérie Hill

Sep 3, 2022


Isabelle and Chantal, two sisters born in LaSalle and recently retired, have been caring for their two parents, who are living with cognitive impairments, for about five years. Both are mothers, and Chantal is also a grandmother. They enjoy traveling, and Isabelle is athletic.

Following a hospitalization that occurred last July, their father is awaiting a place in an intermediate care facility. The two sisters visit him daily at the hospital in addition to buying him clothes and bringing him food. During visits, they play stimulating games to help him maintain his cognitive abilities. Isabelle takes care of hygiene tasks, like giving him a shower and washing his hair, while Chantal handles finances and taxes.

Their mother lives alone and is experiencing cognitive and physical decline, but she refuses to get a diagnosis. Chantal, who lives nearby, visits her every evening and brings her meals. Isabelle, who lives further away, accompanies her to appointments and takes care of her errands.

When asked what helps them get through the more challenging moments of caregiving, they agree that being together and having supportive husbands make a big difference. Isabelle also quickly adds that she doesn't hesitate to use humor to lighten the situations! Throughout their caregiving journey, Isabelle and Chantal mention being both confronted with the shortcomings of the healthcare system and fascinated by the dedication of its staff. They also express having discovered a stronger bond than they realized and learning to cultivate patience and letting go.

What helps the sisters in their caregiving roles? They state that contacting GASO has provided them with tools, through conferences, individual meetings with a psychosocial worker, and burnout prevention workshops.

In closing, here are Chantal and Isabelle's tips: "As much as possible, continue the activities you love, let go, prioritize, and don't forget about yourself!"